Thursday, October 18, 2012

Interview Question at LSSiData

There is a huge database listing of around 100 million records, which is divided into some 200 plain text files, with the record in csv format.

Given 5000 telephone numbers, how to retrieve the records matching those telephone numbers?

Brute-force is what comes up first:
Read the csv files one line at a time (each record is a line in the csv file), and get its telephone number field. Then compare the field with the given telephone number. If there is a match, print the record into that file. Otherwise, discard it.

Shortcoming: Need 5000 passes of the 100 million records, which is a performance nightmare.

How to improve the performance? Hash-table is the answer:
Organize the 5000 telephone numbers into a hash-table (hash the telephone numbers into a table, which is actually an array of keys computed from hashing the telephone numbers). Then, as we examine the record and find a match to the given telephone number, we just append the record to the linked list associated with the hash key. This way, we need only to iterate/traverse the 100 million records for once.

For details of hash-table, please refer to Section 2.9 and 3.3 of "The Practice of Programming" by Brian Kernighan and Rob Pike.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


2011年4月6日在NC Raleigh附近的State Park里面教会租了个烧烤棚搞活动,和大地的小儿子照的照片,猴子也凑上来作鬼脸。




Wednesday, February 29, 2012


今天比较开心,因为独立解决了一个有关OpenLDAP的问题,使得ssl/tls connection中certificate的选项LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT对于每个connection/binding单独有效,而不是设置后覆盖整个process的life span,很费了一番时间在网上搜索,最后在这里找到答案:


贴张贝贝的照片,这是贝贝在Lexmark Building 082前面的草坪上和我踢球间隙的抓拍:

Saturday, January 21, 2012





